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Dr Paul Dyke wins ARC DECRA award to return to CAOUS

November 2013

Dr Paul Dyke has won a prestigious ARC DECRA (Discovery Early Career Researcher award) to return to CAOUS to study spin-orbit coupling in ultracold Fermi gases. Paul completed his PhD in CAOUS in 2010 under the supervision of A/Prof Chris Vale and since than he has worked in the world-leading group of Prof Randy Hulet at Rice University in Houston, Texas. The DECRA award covers Paul's salary for three years as well as support for equipment.

Project Summary

Spin-orbit interactions couple a particle's spin to its momentum and underlie remarkable phenomena including topological edge states in insulators and the fractional quantum Hall effect. In conventional solid-state systems these effects are difficult to study due to the complex and imperfect structure of the host material. This project will generate spin-orbit coupling in the defect free and highly controllable environment of an ultracold quasi-two- dimensional Fermi gas to observe new topological phases and Majorana fermions which hold promise for realising decoherence free protected quantum states.
